Altoholic’s Dilemma

I really enjoy playing the Shadow Warrior — not nearly as much damage as Bright Wizards, but we aren’t quite as squishy, either, and we’re a lot less visible on the battlefield when we work at it. I like to hide behind and to the side of BWs, so Destruction thinks all the damage is coming from Carrot-Top and aims at him. Even at 21 Ysharros has some decent debuffs and snares, though deploying them all can take a bit of stance dancing and our couple of bigger burst abilities don’t seem to be all that — that may be partly due to the fact that one is a morale ability, and by the time the damned thing has fired and the client has realised I’m buffed, the buff is half gone. A 6 second buff that takes 3 seconds to register, and then you have to wind up for 3 seconds on one of your slower shots… yeah. I’m only halfway up the ranks, too, so we’ll see how things progress.

I rather like being the Order career Destro tend to overlook (along with Engineers, I imagine, until their enemies start looking like swiss cheese wrapped in razor wire). I do, however, understand why many people who start Shadow Warriors appear to abandon them somewhere in the mid-teens. That’s probably partly due to the much less than awesome-sauce Elven T2 pairing, and partly due to a period during which you (well, I, certainly) feel like Destro’s punching bag in scenarios. (The Shadowlands and Ellyrion are amazing-looking zones, but the quests and general inhabitants are far more lifeless and stiff than EvC or DvG; as others have said, you can tell they were done last. Immortal doesn’t mean staid, you know! Oh well, ok. Not always!)

— Tangent alert! —

Looking at the WARdb SW ability listing, I’m seeing some abilities I certainly don’t remember getting. Now, it’s entirely possible that I have them, but because most of the abilities work in at least two stances, and since you have to manage each stance bar individually, I may have it on one bar and not the other. Much as I like the SW, this bar-changing mechanic is pretty crap. I can’t think of a better one right now, but I really dislike having to micromanage my abilities every single time I level, and sometimes in between just to make sure my various bars have all the skills they should have. And while we’re bitching, since SWs have NO benefit from being stanceless (unlike Marauders who, I think?, can make a case for being mutationless), can we please have a change so that Scout is the DEFAULT stance and it’s not possible to turn a stance OFF? Hitting those by accident in the middle of an RvR fight is a royal pain in my pincushion ass. Kthx.

— End tangent —

So, yes, horns, dilemma.

I am also bringing up a Warrior Priest. What I really wanted, right from my first day in beta, was to play a Disciple of Khaine, but I held back for several reasons. In beta I held back because I didn’t want to spoil release. Later in beta I held back because the spousal unit made a Swordmaster, and SM/DoK romances always end tragically so I made an Archmage, who I ended up really enjoying also. In release, I held back because I’d been made a CoW Order-side officer, and that kinda meant I should play Order — and see previous comment regarding spousal units.

Oh, and somewhere along that line I sadly put away my DoK ambitions because they became flavour of the month and if there’s one thing I don’t like, it’s being identified with a FOTM class in any game. When that happens I’ll wait till the flavour changes and then go back.

Now, while I can’t find much time to play a DoK (I have one, she just doesn’t get logged in much), I can sort of justify spending time on a Warrior Priest and the mechanic is pretty similar, minus the wicked-bad looking spiky blades. I miss the spiky blades and the severe dominatrix look. On the bright side, I get a BHH (Big Honkin’ Hammer) and when I clout people around the head with it, they notice! I indulged myself a little the other day when Orlando the WP hit 11, and played some Nordenwatches. Beating shamans around their nasty heretic green ears while they ran around whimpering was oh, so satisfying. Rinse repeat with maguses, sorceresses, marauders and even the odd tank, and certainly unwary witch elves who thought my healing couldn’t keep up with their stabbiting. Won’t be making that mistake again soon now will ya, darlin’? SMACK.

Ysharros takes some work to play, but is extremely rewarding for the style of play I’ve had since my college-based D&D days: always be ready to run or avoid, but when you have to hit, hit hard, stay mobile, and hit some more. (Unsurprisingly, I rather like WE and WH mechanics too.) Orlando is fun in a slightly more secure way — she doesn’t hit all that hard, but she can heal like a bitch, she can buff/debuff, she can snare, and I happen to like the sound of people’s smaller bones crunching when hit with BHHs. Did I mention I’ve always liked hybrids? (Of course most of my AD&D chars were dual-classed. Cmon!)

The actual dilemma part, if you read this far, comes from the fact that Ysharros is 10 levels higher than Orlando, those are 10 fairly long levels, and both the guild AND the Order-side on Averheim could use a few higher level chars. So while I really really really want to play Orlando at least as much as Ysharros, the voice of duty is telling me I should level just the one, at least for now.

Then again, I’m an admitted altoholic. Who do I think I’m fooling?

10 responses to “Altoholic’s Dilemma

  1. Lets see… I have a WP, IB, AM and WH… in addition to Werit. I want to try out a SW too. I spend most my time on Werit, but sometimes I just need a change of gameplay.


  2. I kinda agree with the FOTM blurb, for a different reason – rolling another FOTM class is bad for your realm. Seriously. I started out playing a Warrior Priest, and I got all the way to battle rank 20 / renown rank 20, when I stopped playing him. What made me stop? I was in a warband in Troll Country, and half of the entire warband were Warrior Priests. 12 out of 24. We couldn’t take any keeps – not enough tanking or DPS to take out a keep lord. Yeah, we could heal through anything else, but the inability to take (or defend) a keep was a major setback, to my way of thinking.

    So, I created an Engineer. Moderately useful in taking keeps, supremely useful in defending them. He’s up to battle rank 24 / renown rank 22, and things are going more smoothly. Heck, I’ve even noticed fewer Warrior Priests in warbands – maybe others got the same idea. When it comes down to it, maybe rolling a few alts isn’t a bad thing, eh?


  3. At the end of the day, though, this *is* a game and your fun-quotient should be the primary motivation.

    Jobildo posted a comment on my blog saying you can get 6000 exp from a scenario (!!) so I’m faced with the dilemma of “Do I play Scenarios to level, even though I really don’t enjoy them much, or do I stick to my mix of ORvR and questing.”

    So I have the same kind of dilemma. Do what I enjoy, or do what’s best for the guild and the realm, What would your advice be to me? Because it should be the same advice for you. 🙂

    I think I’ll probably split the difference and spend some evenings having fun and other evenings “working for the guild” so to speak.


  4. Yeah. I’m getting rhetoric-mileage out of the dilemma thing, but I will most likely do…. what seems fun at the time. Both in terms of chars I play and what I do with them.

    I am not a footsoldier. I do not get satisfaction from doing *only* what others think I should or tell me I should do. Hell, the more I’m told the less I do. 😛

    Ultimately, I will work hard to understand whatever class I play, and to play them well, but I will not hand out my beeper number for 3AM RvR calls. Thank god for CoW — a great guild of great people who like to hit things but remember what real life is all about.

    Ooo I feel a post coming on. I’ll save it. Can’t have you all getting Corpse indigestion.


  5. I have put in some ‘constructive feedback’ about the stances. One thing that always gets me is that when you rez during a scenario you have no stance.


  6. Its always reassuring to know I’m not the only one permanently torn. I want to make it to 40, but can never seem to settle on something long enough. I started out as an IB, but now I’m falling hard for my WP, though the BM is fun and I could see trying an engineer…

    And that is just on the order side. I think I like that CoW has a character limit. Otherwise I think I’d have the guild flooded by now, and it makes me think more about whether I need another character. Might just need to accept never making T3 myself though.


  7. Only thing I do not like about SW is in close combat, I am pretty much toast unless some morale knock back abilities are up. At least at level 8-10. Not sure about higher.


  8. Hrm… See, you are hitting one of the issues I am having at the moment. It is more pressing now that Altorf has been contested so soon.

    I feel the urge, no the need, to push a toon into the 30s so I can join in the defense of the father(or mother)land. As I see the calls go out the Reik(*) is under attack or going down, all I can do is think of how fast Aysh’s lv27 BW buttocks are going to get smacked down and my only contribution will be to the lag of the invaders so they may not be able to heal properly when taking the lord… heh heh And by going to the defense now, cuts into time getting to 30+ so I can put in a good effort asap.

    I like playing the other content, the questing and PQs if you can find the players. Its good times, going out with guildies and doing these things. But there is always that nagging tug to get Aysh at least to 30 to be able to defend Altdorf.

    The other parts are classes. Lexia is a good choice for a healer and face it, we all need one from time and time again. Shes not so bad for an albino… Rolynd is a decent tank and folks are in need of tanks. The problem is neither really light my candle and it really takes you till your 20s to see a class begin to come into its own and till 25 to see how all the base skills work for a class regardless of specialization.

    Unlike prior games, I was not an altaholic till I got one toon to max level. In starting WAR, I deviated from this pattern. What’s left of the hardcore in me is screaming to get Aysh up to 30 asap… ARRRGHHH!!!

    Maybe… Just maybe I should take a few days off, go to the grocery buy supplies and just grind out the last few levels to 30 and call it a day…


  9. “the voice of duty is telling me I should level just the one, at least for now”

    This is my hitch…

    First let me start off, my name is Sarzan and I am a former hardcore player. It started way back in 98 with everquest and over 5 years of making it my second job. After a burnout period, I slipped back into the HC mode about half a year after WoW was released. Most of the time was spent on the treadmill of exp for AA, rep, farming raids and instances for gear.

    Once I see myself slipping back into that mode, I honestly recoil a bit. Thats the way I kinda feel here in WAR. I feel a strong urge to get one toon to 40 asap to help out with the defense of the (Father/Mother)land. Damned be the content! Which of course means that I will then feel the pull of needing to max out realm rank and then gear…

    Then I take a deep breath… Get out Lexia and adventure with mates and the like. But the pull is still there… Even she was born with the idea of pushing ahead. Who does not need a healer most of the time? Same with Rolynd, my IB. Tank shortage, guess what gets made? heh heh.

    Funny thing is, I have not found a toon I truely like to the exception of all others… So where does the drive to excell with one find the balance to play many? Perhaps the world will never know 😉


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