Blogroll admin foofery

That’s a technical term.

If you’ve got me on your blogroll and I haven’t returned the favour, chances are you’re on my reader feed and I just forgot to do the blogroll thing. So, as usual, if you’re not on da list and you should be, let me know. Comment below or mail me at ysharros at gmail dot com.

11 responses to “Blogroll admin foofery

  1. Pingback: Blogroll “Foofery” « RP That Way ===>·

  2. @ Youngblood – thanks. It’s entirely due to the large amount of corpses I’ve left in games over the years. If you have to die a lot, you may as well look good doing it. 😉


  3. @Makkaio: No sir, and boy do I wish there were. There is a file format for XML called OPML that saves XML files (which just happens to be the language of RSS feeds) and formats it into a universal “outline” format so it can be trasnported across multiple platforms and applications. I have one atttached to the bottom of my blogroll.


  4. Just giving you a poke about being on the blogroll – From The Forging of Fire and Ice is mine. As an added bonus, it’s reminded me that, no, for whatever reason, I didn’t have you on mine either. Thought I did. Regardless, that’s fixed!


  5. You just don’t love me, I know how it is sniffles. Poor Way of the Chosen, stepchild of the blogging community.


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