The Secret World revisited?

It’s because I changed the site theme last week — going through my old screenshots and uploads for the random header made me remember how utterly cool (and occasionally extremely creepy) The Secret World was, and how much fun I had in it even if some other shiny pulled me away.

And then there’s Syp over at Bio Break doing his return to TSW posts, and that was the final nail in the resistance coffin.

Even with our crappy internet it only took *coughcough* a couple of days to download the 19G client. The question now is do I start a whole new character, or do I pick up one of my old ones? Decisions…

Aside from that I’m good to go. Which means I’m 95% sure the servers will be down for patching or maintenance or something.

Sunset on the Savage Coast

Sunset on the Savage Coast