1000 Words

Just because it’s fun taking screenies when one starts a new game. It’s sort of like sharing holiday snaps — nobody else gives a shit, but it’s my album and I’ll post if I want to!

Ah, such a glamorous life we MMO heroes lead. Slaying monsters, taming wild beasts, carrying baskets of apples… Even my pet is embarrassed.

Chillin’ at Sir Longasc’s (@longasc*) guild hall. Nice place!

Necromancers are all the same: life isn’t worth living without leather, spikes and buckles. Unlife? Death? Whatever – as long as it’s got buckles and cleavage. That’s an NPC by the way.

However, I do plan to start a necro of my own. The difficulty in GW isn’t so much picking a class (ALL OF THEM!) as picking a secondary profession. They all look fun, and since I’m not overly concerned with being uber, I’m more worried about finding combos that will be a little useful but mostly fun.


* @longasc who still needs his own blog. Because sometimes 140 chars just isn’t enough!

8 responses to “1000 Words

  1. Wait until you meet Livia.. she makes all the other Necros red with envy at her fashion sense… she’s in my party strictly as cheesecake, but don’t *ever* tell her I said so.. 🙂

    And you’re right.. LongAsc totally needs a blog.. though he’s never let the 140 char limit slow him down! 🙂



  2. Necromancers are nice, my necro (Selene) I play mainly with mesmer as secondary class.
    You can switch secondary classes if you want, so you are not stuck with one choice forever – but it will cost a bit to change.

    Each class have a few different groups of skills also, so each class in itself can be played in different ways depending on which group of skills you might focus on.

    Necromancer and Ritualist are my favourite primaries, althpugh the pets are a bit short-lived – and I guess the “live” part can be skipped also…


  3. There’s nothing wrong with posting pictures, especially one’s that actually look good like your first one. ^_^

    I often find myself posting pictures of my protagonist standing on a cliff staring into the sunset… and then realize the internet isn’t a Disney movie. But I’ll post it anyways because I want to damnit! ❤


  4. I notice your images have a little bit of the JPG blurriness to them. If you run Guild Wars with the command line “gw.exe -bmp” it will save screenshots as BMPs for a little better image clarity. GW can have some gorgeous vistas, but when I take screenies I usually end up with mud. The -bmp switch makes them a lot nicer.


    • Yeah, I was pondering whether I should use that or not when I saw the option somewhere. The thing is, I’m going to be converting them to jpg for posting anyway, so I’m not sure it’s worth it… though I guess if I start with higher quality I’ll get better jpg’s too.

      Decisions! 😀


  5. Making JPGs from JPGs doubles the blurriness from the compression. When you open a JPG, the program you’re using uncompresses it again, so when you save it again, you’re not starting from the compressed version; you’re starting all over. If you did it a bunch of times, you’d get a lot of yuck. The clearer your original, the better. And I personally think the JPG compression the game uses is optimized very poorly. For clean shots, it would be better to start with the BMPs. The problem with them is they can get pretty huge. Which was why Anet went from BMP by default to JPGs by default in the first place. Then they got complaints about blurry SS’s, and added the flag back in.


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